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Wednesday, August 12, 2009.

Aha! 1st practice with the NUS Symphony Orchestra. What am i to say, it's a really special feeling. Everything felt rather familiar, yet new. I'm not too sure why i signed up for the audition in the first place. Part of me told me to go all out and try something new, part of me told me to go back to music. Auditions are my greatest fear, and there i was yesterday in the audition room, around me were Koreans, Japanese, and Americans. 

As I stepped into the studio today, i was amazed at the beautiful sound of the string instruments. Never in my life have i heard them live, and so up close. Now, i'm not just listening to them, i am part of the Orchestra. The music touches my heart, and the feeling was just exactly what i had when i was in sec1 and i heard the symphonic band play for the 1st time. It was then that i opened the door to the melodious world of music, and now i've moved on and opened myself another door - door to a whole new experience of classical orchestral music.

I really think that the inner me feels so attached to music that nothing can actually pull me away from it. 

"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
11:54 PM

Saturday, August 01, 2009.

woot~ I'm so freaking tired! Oweek started on thursday, stayed over since Day 0 and sleeping at 4am almost every night. Good thing they gave it a break for the weekends, but next week gonna be madness again. Haha. Hmmm...Somehow o week wasn't as much fun as Arts camp? Perhaps it's because there is too many people in the OG.

I'm still trying very hard to get adapted to my new MacBook. So many functions and controls that are different from Windows. I really gotta bring it down to NUS and get Ben to help me out. Haha. I'm just really happy that i can finally get away from those irritating connection problems that my desktop have been giving me. Bidding yesterday was crazy, got me all worried when this bloody freshie went to bid a 595 points for Sociology. I had to spam in 380 points to keep myself safe. haha! Thanks to Yuxing and Audrey for helping me with that. So glad that i successfully got all my modules in my virgin bidding session.

Now that bidding is done, i'm worried about coping with work when school officially starts. haha! Yea..i'm having so much to worry about. lol. I'll just keep my fingers crossed and take anything that comes along the way,
"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
11:27 PM

Friday, July 24, 2009.

Finally i've managed to squeeze out some time to update this blog. Been totally busy since ARTS camp.

1st of all, Taiwan was great! My fourth time being there, it kinda feels like me walking down orchard road, cos everything there is still the same and all so familiar. A burning summer temperature of 38 degrees in the day, but admidst those heat and sweat we were still hyper and really played our hearts out. We know that the time that is left for us to play with no worries is getting really short, we just wanted to enjoy every second of it.

After getting back onto this little island call home, it was back to work, pre-camps, and OG outings after OG outings. I'm really surprised by how this OG is really bonded. Though everytime we face up with ppl who are late for at least an hour and a half, or some who basically fly you an aeroplane at the very last minute, there is still quite a descent number of people who turned up everytime. So yea, there is still no other OG i'd rather be den REGGAE! wohoo!

And i've been going for birthday parties after birthday parties. You cant really help it when all your friends are turning 21. It's just kinda sad when you noe that your own 21st birthday gonna falls during the exam period. Lol. For now, i just cant wait for Oweek to start. And the bidding thing is really giving me a big headache.

**I'm basically blogging for the sake of Priscilla who shows much interest in reading my blog, and also Tammy who wants to pick out my grammatical, punctuational, and spelling mistakes. HAHA!**

"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
12:32 AM

Thursday, July 02, 2009.

NUS Arts Camp 2009 was a BLAST!

It did not start off really well, cos i basically lost my way in NUS and couldn't find the reporting venue. After reaching Eusoff Hall with a sweat soaked back, i had to queue for temperature taking and travel declaration. Boring.

Met my 1st friend Annabelle. Entering the hall, we were both circled by strangers and they started doing some 'welcome chant' which both of us coulnt figure out what it was all about. Yup, they are my fellow OG mates. We joined in the circle and did the same chant each time a new guy joined in. Yea, we still couldnt make out the chant, but we just followed the actions and pull it off with some mumblings. Day 1 was pretty much of ice breaking and getting to know one another. Everyone were somehow reserved, as though afraid of 'freaking' people off. Yup, but that was only for Day1, or rather, half of Day1.

As we get along for some time, playing games, and doing cheers, everyone seemed to just open up totally. As days goes by, 'face' was no longer an issue, impression was no longer of priority. We volunteered to paint our faces with camo, get them smashed into plates of flour, got ourselves drenched, rolled all over the sand, gave funny poses for photographs, doing anything we can to get bonus points. Everyone was really into it, and that was how the all the fun came in.

There is just really too much to write about. I remember complaining to my fren that i was disappointed to noe that i got into Red house..cos i don't like red. Now, i feel that there is no other house i wanna be in other then red, and OG Reggae definitely rocks the house to the max. The spirit of Reggae will live in my heart! And i'm already missing all those cheers and all my OG Mates!!!

"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
9:39 PM

Tuesday, June 23, 2009.

Wohoo! I'm happy..first of all, being able to get online after 2 hours of hitting and slapping on the router. And yep...went ICE SKATING! it's more of a cam whoring session. Really had loads of fun, even though we had to endure those stinky skates. It was kinda cool, cos the place wasnt too crowded for a weekday, and as the time got later it was totally empty and we had the place all to ourselves. =]

Cant wait for ARTS Camp in just a few days to come....kinda dreading it in some sense...Jaryl will noe why. haha. But i really hope nothing too drastic gonna happen, and i hope i'll be able to have damn lots of fun. And yes, one day after i'm back from ARTS Camp, it will be the big TAIWAN trip! How time really flies...haha, we started counting down when there were like hundreds of days to go...haha.

"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
1:02 AM

Sunday, June 14, 2009.

18 more days to TAIWAN Trip. Time really flies huh. We started counting down around 100+ days.

Arts camp is also just around the corner. Kinda worried, yet excited. Dunno who am i gonna meet there, all i know is i'll be in for it throughout the 5 days. stuck. haha.

Cant wait for school to start. The mugging and all gonna start and yea, i'll feel more normal that way, after a break of....hmmm.... 2 years and 8 months?! Not sure if my hostel application will get through. Really.....seems like much excitement is awaiting me. haha.

Ok....as of now, i'm troubled by the alumni band thingy. Totally sux. Failure after failure and i'm somehow seeing a failure again this time round. Took over the whole organising responsibility in my hand from those people....managed to sent out the proposal in 3 days which some took 3 months and did not even come up with any. The school finally called me, and this call could have came earlier if people had not shifted responsibilities around and took their own sweet time. Now, given only 4 weeks left, i gotta re-compile the player list, and the truth is, many had lost the fire after those empty promises time and again. And with 4 weeks to go, the teachers told me they had not spoken to ms chan, which in an email dey said dey will. This is maximum pissed off point. I really dunnoe how to go about. It's stuck here, and i've let the Alumni Circle people know about this, they say they will try to help, and i hope dey would.
"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
10:35 PM

Sunday, May 31, 2009.

What a day. It was like the 7th month on the Chinese Lunar Calendar, i was like the 'getai' singer, as if clad in glittery clothes rushing from one place to another trying to catch the shows at different 'getai'. haha! I had two birthday celebrations on the same day, and i just hoped i could do a split into 2. One is my beloved JC classmate taking her final step into aldulthood, and one is my beloved junior from PJCSB.

Ok, so i thought that Amelia's would have my priority since it's her BIG TWENTY ONE. Haha! Had Fig and Olives at Vivo and the usual birthday cake cutting at the sky garden. We had a brief moment of Sparkling fun, literally, before the security guard came over and told us that we're not supposed to play sparkles there at the sky garden as it may trigger off the smoke detectors along the covered walkways... Yea, and tt was when Amelia went HAFF and PUFF at the sparkle she was holding, but it was kinda useless, the sparkle just had to burn itself out in e end. Lol.

Went down to Huda's rather belated birthday celebration at Manhattan Fish market - Plaza Singapura. The crazy bunch of people, it was camwhoring all night long. haha! And the usual birthday balloons as well as embarassing ourselves with attempts to do some jump shots with the camera. LOl.

NIE concert tomorrow! haha. excitement =]

"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
12:20 AM