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Tuesday, April 28, 2009.

omg omg omg! Wad was that thick brown envelope doing there?! OMG!!! It's the letter of acceptance from NUS!! Wohooo!

Haha! I'm sounding so himbotic, but yes, i'm really happy and well, relief. I was really worried that the letter wont come. Haha! Really looking forward to school term in August. and all teh orientation that is to come! Yay!
"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
10:15 PM

Saturday, April 25, 2009.

Today PJCSB did their sound check at the Republic Poly Cultural Centre, where the SYF will be held on the 6th May 2009. The few of us were there as audiences. I really had to say, they've improved tremendously, and the performance they put up today was....hmmmm, stunning. Though they are still not quite there yet, we were able to kinda get a glimpse of that golden light in the distance. they just need to stretch out that extra bit to reach it. I always believe that PJCSB holds great potential in achieveing much greater heights, and up till now, this believe still stand strong in my heart.

I seriously hope that they can continue to improve, and perform much better then today. Guys, almost there, just a little bit more!!! Give it a hard final push! =D

Which of these will be the outcome for SYF 2009?

"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
11:25 PM


Watched Susan Boyle's audition video on Youtube just recently. That video really almost made me teared. It's really hard to explain, some may say that it's just nothing and we've seen many of such cases, some says it's overrated, but to me, it's more of being moved, touched and a huge sense of guilt. Watching Chen Wei Lian sing was nothing compared to this, no offence. It was a smack on the face, how we realised that we judge, and thus, are judged as well, by our appearance, our look. How we sometimes turned a blind eye to the person who had the finest heart, the greatest sense of righteuousness, the one that could just be the best of your friends. All because of a failed 1st impression, a misjudgement based on look, and we let just the biggest prize god had sent to us, to just slipped away.

If Susan had not stepped out, if her mother had not encouraged her, one day she might just be gone. When she does, who might have known that she sings like an angel? Who might have known that she carries such a wonderful gift. Who would have truly appreciated her the way she is.

This also teaches us a very important lesson, that our 1st impression is crucial, but somehow, almost contradicting, it also teaches us not to conclude base on just the 1st impression. So if we shouldn't judge by look. what for we go about trying to look good? Ironic as it is, they both seems to share a common relationship, telling us that as long as the day that man continues to like only the 'nice looking' stuff, then man will just have to keep trying to be 'nice looking' and the 'not so nice looking' stuff will just have to be shadowed. Susan had sounded the siren. For those who place great importance on looks, she is telling them to maybe just look a lil deeper into what is beneath. And for those who are afraid to emerge, due to the lack of confidence, the lack of a 'good-look', she is telling them to step out and show people who they are, and what they really are made of.
"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
12:52 AM

Monday, April 20, 2009.

Had a really great weekend! Worked half-day on Saturday, after that went over to PJC to take a peek at their Music Exchange with River Valley High School. To be frank, i'm not too sure if i shld be worried, or happy for the band. They sounded pretty much better compared to the last time i heard them, but alot of work still needs to be done. Silver to PJCSB is not a problem i would say, but it will take that small little mistake somewhere, somwhow, to drag them down to a bronze. Gold? That will require a magic spell and the greatest miracle in the world. So yea, not that it won't happen, but chances are slim with just 18 days more to go. Ms Chan will have to cast the spell soon enough, and the bandsmen will have to create that miracle. haha!

Finally got the new band tee, I took 'S' size, still a bit too big. I hate the drooping collar. hais, i hope it shrinks after i washed it. haha! Cos it's really nice, and i'm really disappointed with the drooping thing...lol.

After band we managed to lure Sufi back to his house, and we had the rest to surprise him at his house for his birthday. It was successful and he was seriously stunned. Lol. I just love birthday surprises, whether you're the one being surprised, or the one surprising. haha! We called for pizzas and the ice-cream cake from Swensen's was great. Ate too much, me and Ahloy were just too lazy to make our way home, so stayed over at Sufi's. It's good when you stay over at someone's place, you get to sleep in...like really deep in. haha! Woke up at 1230 and Sufi said we're supposed to meet Ruoning and Aliff for lunch at Causeway at 1245.

After lunch Sufi and I took a bus down to Tampines 1 to take a look. It was crazy, cant even walk without getting physically contacted with someone. And UNIQLO was madness, people have to queue up just to get in. The queue line obstructed the already narrowed pathway. I really dont understand, not like it's CHANEL or PRADA or wad. Overrated, seriously. It's worth to take a look, but not to queue. $20++ for clothes with average, normal looking designs, i wonder what these people are thinking. haha!

"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
12:11 AM

Thursday, April 16, 2009.

Omg! Omg! Omg! I'm so in love with the YouTube Symphony Orchestra.

YouTube called for professionals and amateur musicians of all ages, locations and instruments to audition for the YouTube Symphony Orchestra by submitting a video performance of a new piece written for the occasion by the renowned Chinese composer Tan Dun. Finalists were selected by a judging panel comprised of the world's most renowned orchestras. Winners were announced on March 2nd and were invited to New York in April 2009, to participate in the YouTube Symphony Orchestra summit, and play at Carnegie Hall under the direction of Michael Tilson Thomas. Musicians from all over the world came together, and within 3 days, put up the superb performance yesterday at the Carnegie Hall in New York City. It is the world's first collaborative online orchestra.

To have people from all different backgrounds, cultures, and playing styles, people who might even have problems communicating due to language barriers, to merge up into an orchestra that sounded so amazingly beautiful was somewhat, inspirational. Up to date, music still seems to be the only language that is able to pull together different people into one perfect harmony. As i was watching the videos, the urge to play my horn was overpowering. How i wish i can be part of the orchestra, though i know i am far from it. haha.

I really do hope they can perform in Singapore someday. I'll go crazy.

**Catch the YouTube Symphony Orchestra at www.youtube.com/symphony**

"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
11:25 PM

Sunday, April 12, 2009.

Omg! Been a crazy day with the PJCSB peeps. Farwell dinner for Guan Ri before his enlistment. Had buffet at Sakura. The food there is not fantastic, but edible. haha! It was ultimate enjoyment though, with the crazy bunch of people, we just laugh non-stop. But i got kinda sick of Unagi. Lol. Dress code for the day - SESAME STREET

For once we were real delinquent. First of all Jiemin became the 'JIOBu' of the evening, and went crazy, started drawing breasts with the condensed water on the restaurant glass windows when we left, and having the rest editing it into a dog so that the restaurant manager wouldnt figure out how explicit that was, but somehow he seemed to make out wad our dear 'JIOBu' was doing and stared at us. LOL.

Walked over to West Coast Plaza after that and there, we did our 'PHOTO SHOOT'. LOl, wasnt even afraid of the public's stare, we just posed like we were real models. It was crazy. Then we had Ahloy the drunkard, haha. Then we started doing the Nobody dance. LOL!

Elimination to the FINAL 6

"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
12:11 AM

Thursday, April 09, 2009.

Wohoo! Long weekend for alot of people, but i gotta work on Saturday. Haha! It's fine though, cos the work is fun, with lotsa interesting people. =]

O man, i cant wait for the Taiwan trip with Pingxin and gang! Tickets booked, 84 days to go! I'm just glad that it all came true and were not just plain talking. Thanks to our enthusiasm and decisiveness! Yea, i just hate people who dilly dally and just worry about too much unnecessary things. And yes, as you can tell i still have that agony towards wad happened to the supposed PJC Alumni band. haha! Too much red tape, people worked with too much professionalism, too much things got into their brains. It's like, when you filled a jar with golf balls, you will still have space to pour in the sand, but if you poured in the sand first, you will have no space for all the golf balls. Get it? Sometimes we just shouldnt get too bothered with the small details, though they might be important, we should always get what is the most important stuff sort out first before even worrying about the small details. If we ever got too worried about the itinerary, getting a hotel room, how many people will go...i think we would have missed the dates, and the trip would just remained as a dream. Lol.

Wohoo! Thanks to Pingxin for the efficiency~ haha!
"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
11:53 PM

Sunday, April 05, 2009.

Omg....so many things to do but so little time! haha. Tagging pictures on facebook, upfating my blog, and searching for band pieces!! haha. Am having a really bad sore throat now. Lol, had too much oily and heaty stuff. GL's birthday on friday, went to this Jap BBQ restaurant at CHIJMES. The food there taste like heaven, and yea, the price is also high as heaven. LOL! But i tot it was really worth it! Went to MINDS after that, got crazy with Ultimate Taboo, AGAIN. haha! Was super tired after work, but we played till 2.30am before deciding to cab home.

Yesterday spent half day at work, met up with Aloy and gang for a visit back to PJ band. After band was dinner at Seoul Garden. Heaty heaty heaty. To make our $27 worth it, we stayed from 6.30pm till 10.30pm...was damn bloated. And i dropped my chocolate ice cream into the bowl of green ice kachang colouring. lol.

Yawnz, i really wanna have an early night, dammn tired.

"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
10:47 PM

Thursday, April 02, 2009.

Sianzzz. I'm disappointed, so so disappointed. First of all, i didnt get to drink the milkshake from BillyBombers cos it was too late and they closed. Secondly, the proposed college day performance for the supposed PJC Alumni band is cancelled. Seriously, utterly disappointed. Been really looking forward to it. I was actually quite expecting it to turn out this way, cos i guessed the school wouldn't just wait for us and hold back their entire programme planning. So yea, the long waiting time oso kinda put out the flame, but now, the little spark that was still burning went *poof*. Dun really wanna talk about it also, kinda pissed, but what to do.

As promised, the '05 batch of horn players gonna do up our own section tee regardless of whether the Alumni Band is gonna exist. haha. Brainstorming for ideas now.
"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
11:38 PM

Wednesday, April 01, 2009.

YAY! photos are up! haha! Really had a great time at Kbox yesterday..haha. Sang like nobody's business and spammed all the Jay Chou's. LOL! There was no one and the person just let us sing till closing. Haha, reached home about 230am. TIRED!

And today....went to New York New York Jurong Point with Guan Ri, Huda and Clement. The girl was there, wohoo! (refer to my post dated: March 27 ) Shared the Spare Ribs with Clement, but the Chocolate Velvet with the whip cream made me feel so bloated.

I'm so sleepy, need an early rest. Really cant stand it when i was on my way home from work. Kept dozing off while standing...so embarassing, cos i dozed off and nearly fell for like alot of times. No kind soul offered me any seats. haha! They shld have a PRIORITY SEAT for sleepy pple. haha!

"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
10:44 PM


Yea! Finally started work. Quite an interesting job doing customer service handling road tax payment, international driving liscence and renewal of memberships. Though on the 1st day of work some 'tai-tai' came over to launch a complain to me... -__- Rather stressful i would say, especially when the day ends, doing closing just make me so nervous.. haha. So scared that the money doesnt tally. LOL. So far so good. I'm blogging now because there is no one in the queue, and there is internet access on the comp. Cool~ Now you noe why you always wait for such long time at those handphone servicing centres. LOL!

K Box-ed with Bing Qin and gang. Waiting for her to UPLOAD the pics 1st befor i blooged about it. =]
"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
10:09 AM