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Monday, December 29, 2008.

Finally recieved more pictures from Kang Zhuang! Yay!

"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
10:54 PM

Sunday, December 28, 2008.

It's over, officially over. I feel like a part of me is missing now. Damn. While i've been so looking forward to the performance, i just hoped it didnt come that fast. I miss the entire process of the preparation. I dunno, but through this concert, i kinda developed some feelings for the band, and that means i'm most probably going back to play and staying on. =]

The concert wasn't that much of a perfection. Hic-cups here and there, but well, i dun really care coz i enjoyed every part of it. I just think that i really need to build up on my stamina. Haha. After concert and all the packing up it was 9pm. Too late to join my class outing over at Vivo. Instead i went over to my PJC Band BBQ at one of my junior's house. It was crazy, playing cards, got so excited that we just screamed and shout not knowing it was 11pm into the night. haha, but well, no complaints. i guess coz it's a saturday night, people dun really bother. Stayed over at her place and yea, i just got home.

"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
2:35 PM

Friday, December 26, 2008.

I Believe My Heart. I have a feeling Amelia will love this song.
"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
2:03 AM

Wednesday, December 24, 2008.

Merry X'mas

Okie, so was christmas eve great or wad? Well, i decided to keep it simple this year, really am sick of squeezing around in the crowd over in town. Supposed to just have dinner with Jaryl and chill out somewhere, but somehow he managed to get a pair of free tickets from his frend to Australia over at GV Plaza Sing'. I'm not sure how the tickets come about, cause it's stated on the stubs that it's free seating. LOl. We had dinner at Mad Jack. They stated that there will be a 10% discount for uniformed personnel during weekdays, but when we asked for it they claimed that Christmas eve is a public holiday. -__-

It's a great movie i would say, like really. The story was wonderful, and the scenery was beautiful. It's a two and a half hour movie, i thought it's a lil too long, but nevertheless enjoyed it. O yea, and the music was great too! =]

After movie we walked over to town to have a feel of the christmas eve, but we didnt wanna stay there for long, the crowd was horrendous. Walked over to Newton for supper. Just thinking of that makes me feel so fat, and unhealthy. Been having fast food for past few days, and the supper was bbq chicken wings, oyster ommelette and carrot cake. Lol. I really gotta go get a dip in the chlorine tomorrow. I really gotta go. haha!

Now, i'm all so drowsy after supper. Merry Christmas people. Ciao.

* My little rabbit wasnt harmed in the process of taking those pictures. Though from the picture, yes, it looked rather annoyed. Who cares, it's christmas! laughs. *

"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
1:14 PM

Sunday, December 21, 2008.

Aha! NIE Practice today was great! I had my first attempt on that 'cursed' solo, managed to pitch that 'cursed' note, but i was so damn nervous and kinda screwed up a lil. LOl. It doesnt really matters cause the actual soloist isnt me. =P

Concert at the Botanic Garden with the SWS and Santa Maria Choir was great. I was quite surprised about the turn out. There wasnt much publicity, but people just seemed to know that such a thing was going on. The crowd was amazing. Of all the pieces, i thought Celtic Carol was one of the hit piece. High on impact, the audience just went - POOM! Luckily we didnt had any mis-coordination with the choir conductor today, so the timing was quite well synchronised with their singing. Cool. I'll let the pictures do the talking. =]


"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
11:21 PM


O man...i'm just so tired, haven really been getting enough sleep. Yup, completed my 2days of First Aid course yesterday. It was pretty fun, especially the part when we had to practice our CPR on the plastic doll. We had this girl who just cant 'kiss' the doll, each time she does it she would start coughing like she's gonna puke. Laughs.

NIE Band practice at night was great too, totally enjoyed the pieces. I kinda feel sad that the concert is coming soon, cause i've really been looking forward to it and that now it's here, i feel that i'll just feel really empty once it's over. LOL.

Watched Twilight just now with Guang Liang. Lai Kiu supposed to meet us but as usual, that 'suppose' always remains. Twilight was great, i thought. Though the first hour was kinda bland, but it just keeps you wanting to watch more. Totally worthed the 8 bucks. haha.

Had my daily dose of STARBUCKS. =]

"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
12:14 AM

Thursday, December 18, 2008.

tired tired tired! Busy busy busy! On duty yesterday night, left camp at 730am today and rushed down to bishan for the Chingay's Community Emergency Response Training, to put it simply, it's just a First Aid course that all usheres have to go through. Started from 9am till 6pm. I was really shagged out, the theory part was dead boring. Practical was slightly more fun, getting to bandage one another. lol. After that i rushed down for SWS practice. Super tired, i just fell asleep on the train.

Tomorrow's gonna be another day at the training, doing CPR and the final test. Evening gonna be practice with NIE band. Mad rush, again. Saturday gonna have practice with the Youth band, and sunday gonna be practice with the NIE Band in the morning, and performance with the SWS at the Botanic Gardens in the evening. Damns, i'm so packed. I need some life. haha, though playing with the bands are really fun. =]

I wanna sleep.
"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
11:46 PM

Tuesday, December 16, 2008.

Sometimes when we look back at what we thought were the happy moments of our lives, we begin to realise that all were nothing but a show. A staged performance rehearsed in the dark, lines memorised so well, actions so synchronised. So much so that it takes one quite some time to realised that he's just part of the show. One starts to wonder if the word 'trust' ever had a genuine meaning in it, or is 'trust' just yet another lie.

Just when you thought there is a wall for you to fall back on, the wall fell on you. Time and again, you tried to decieve yourself from the face of reality. You turned your eyes away from the direct glare of truth. You tell yourself just the opposite of what your heart is telling you. Nevertheless, man always have this intelligence, this ever strong sense of instinct that is so accurate. You know, and thus, your heart never lies. No question asked, you know the trust were being taken for granted, you know the role you played were minimal, almost insignificant. You know they can do without you, in fact, you know they do not need you.

When you see the enthusiasm towards others, but not you. When you see the initiatives towards others, but not you. You know it's time. It's time to quietly retreat yourself into the corner, and you won't be surprised, that they don't even realise. That's when you know, it's time to go.

"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
1:02 AM

Sunday, December 14, 2008.

Out of words. Life's good. 3 more months. Hanging in there. Loves STARBUCKS.
"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
10:30 PM

Tuesday, December 09, 2008.

"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
11:34 PM

Monday, December 08, 2008.

Aha! The photos from the Marathon are out! Good thing i looked alright in them, was worried that they captured my limping moments which would be so unglam....LOL!

"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
11:13 PM

Sunday, December 07, 2008.

All was dark, the sun wasn't up. Instead of the usual hustle and bustle of men and women in neatly pressed office wear, teenagers in the most fashionable clothings, the Marina Bay was brought to life even before first light by men and women cladded in blue singlets, running shorts and track shoes. Excitement was high as everyone were warming up for the race event of the year. It was clear to all that it will be tough, but everyone just seemed unborthered. The end is near, at least, that was what we believed.

The time came and the horn was sounded. Troops of blues steadily marched across the starting point in unison steps and rythm, as if so well coordinated before hand. Within the tall, towering skyscrapers were the tiny souls fighting hard to endure the what is said to be, the race of your life. I went on my very own journey, keeping a constant and comfortable pace. The cooling breeze and refreshing scent of morning dew just made everything so much easier.

The pace was good, but the legs werent. After keeping up the run for 20km, the pain sets in. It was something that i dreaded, and hoped not to happen so soon. It was an agonising strike of pain down my left knee joint spreading over to the left ankle. For a moment, i thought i might dislocate my left leg. I pushed on, but the pain pushed on even further. Every steps i took saw me squeezing shut my eyes and biting hard on my lips to overcome the pain. The final draw came when my right tigh muscle gave a twitch and i could literally see it bulging out. I knew it was the big cramp. The pain was unbearable, i had to stop. It was too early, i told myself. I had to push myself, i know my limit, and that was definitely not my limit. After some stretching and a short rest i decided to go for it again, but the moment my legs stretched out to push me forward, the cramp sets in again and i had to stop. I hated the feeling, it's like knowing that you will lose the battle when only half the battle was fought.

I took my steps one at time, feeling really disappointed that i will just had to walk. It was really kind of a waste as i had the energy to push on, but my legs were no longer under my command. The signboards that count down the distance came into view slowly. Covering every 1Km in steps took like forever, especially with the pain not only on the legs, but in your mind too, it was tough and demoralising.

However, there was one thing i knew for sure. For all who were walking with one hand clutching on to their legs, and all who were trying to limp their way through, had only one thing in mind. That is, with every little steps that we took, no matter big or small, we're getting nearer to the finishing point. And with that, in our heart we silently counted down to every kilometers that we covered. Though slow, but steady. We know there was no way anyone was gonna give up.

And so, as the distance got shorter, morale got higher. Though still unable to kick off my run, i was even more determined to complete the race. After what seemed like years, the signboard showing 42Km slowly loomed over the horizon. I knew it was time, it was time i give it the final push. I pushed my legs forward, the muscles squeeze tight, the pain was unbearable. I told myself i will not stop. The pressure sent a jolt of pain down my joint with every steps i took. The end is really near, i told myself. I've never felt so much pain in my life before, when i finally crossed the finishing line, i almost couldnt feel the existence of my legs.

And now, here i am, the proud owner of the finisher T-shirt, medal, and a pair of wobbly legs that have great difficulties walking and climbing stairs. =D

"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
10:52 PM

Saturday, December 06, 2008.

Aha! I feel so happy, I managed to hit that high 'A' for Star Wars during band practice! Wohooo! Been really looking forward to practice. Reached home around 5pm today, did some warm-up on my horn before i left for band. We're gonna have 6 Horn players for the concert, so i guess it's not gonna be too taxing.

Time flies? Only left with 1 more day to the Standard Chartered Marathon. Man, the race starts at 530am, now i'm worrying how to get there. Looks like it's gonna be the three big letters: C.A.B.I'm just afraid that i'm not having enough rest. Gonna gobble some bananas tomorrow. Haha.

Band practice tomorrow again. Busy busy busy.
"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
12:11 AM

Wednesday, December 03, 2008.


"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
10:18 PM


PHEW! Yea, i had to do that. Had the biggest shock of my life yesterday. Was informed that ship will be sailing from tomorrow till Sunday. And damn it, my Standard Chartered marathon is on Sunday! Thank goodness i prayed enough and the sailing was cancelled. O man...i can no longer stand such a scare.

On duty yesterday night, shagged out. At least i had K Box today to look forward to. Haha. Finally exams are over for the NTU and NUS peeps. So met up with Amelia, Daphne, and Jinyan for our K Box session. Got to sing!! Got to sing!! Yay. Having cough, but good thing i pulled through and it didnt really affect the session. Haha!

I'm looking forward to Friday's Band practice? Really cant wait. Bleah! =P
"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
10:18 PM

Monday, December 01, 2008.



"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
10:43 PM