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Wednesday, October 29, 2008.

FINALLY! Finally got to update my blog! Nope, my com isn't up yet. I'm leeching on my friend's internet access again. Bleah! Man...i really cant live without the com! Wonder when is the serviceman coming...

Met up with Jaryl for dinner on Sunday. Finally got to try food from Shokudo. The pasta there is really nice, better then Pastamania and Waraku. =] Most unforgettable was their mango dessert. After dinner we just walked aimlessly around, both of us were rather broke, so we just had to suck it up. haha.

Monday met up with Clement and Zheng Zhe for movie at Vivocity. Watched Max Payne, not exactly what i preferred, but they suggested it, so i went along. It's a lousy show? Though the action was there, the story was just lousy. I would rather have watched High School Musical 3 for 5 more times. LOL.

Tuesday was ship cohesion at Jurong East Swimming Complex. So i had the luxury of sleeping till 8am and still be able to make it on time to meet them at 845am. It was real fun, had a mini Amazing Race around the Jurong area which my group came in FIRST. After that was some water games in the pool. It was madness, people just go around flipping floats over. Haha.

Finally the long beak is over, booked in today. thing much happened, just the usual ship routine. At le now i get to update my bloggy. haha. woot~

** 试着去忘记,不过还是深深的想念着你。。。**
"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
7:12 PM

Saturday, October 25, 2008.

Damn! My computer is down. Shit head. I realised that i've been so into the internet that i really dunnoe what to do now. I just feel sooooo bored everyday. And yea, i'm now at Daiyan's house leeching her internet access. O yea, my com is dead, so i'm gonna lose my 1872 songs in my ITUNES Library. Bang!

Watched High School Musical 3 yesterday. It's awesome! Great voices, good looking people, catchy tunes. 100% enjoyment. Really, it's not just any kiddy show from Disney Channel. I can like watch it for a few more times, just that i'm really broke. Like, it really suck to be broke, especially when it's long weekend ahead! Argh. I'm not booking in till Tuesday. =D Now that i'm really bored, i bought a book! haha, it's a kiddish book called 'Diary of a Wimpy Kid'. Yes, kiddish, but really funny. Just nice for easy reading. Really, i'm not a book person, so books that catches my attention are good books. Bleah.

Went swimming today, sun wasnt up, but i figured that i need to keep in shape. Vertical Marathon on the 16th Nov. Pastamania-ed with Amy at West Mall after that before heading for band practice. Today didnt play at all, we just had a meeting to sort things out. We just needed to set our aims clear. Let's hope everythng turn out well! I'm so looking forward to what is planned ahead. =D

"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
9:31 PM

Thursday, October 23, 2008.

Good day. Time seems to past faster today. Haha. Went Bech Road with Kevin in the evening to get my rank and ship badge done on my new sets of uniform. Yay, finally can change away my faded pair of NCR. eh, NCR stands for Naval Combat Rig. lol. After that we had dinner there at Beach Road, got to eat my favourite 汤圆! =D Wanted to walk to Bugis after that, dunnoe what has gotten into me, i totally lost my sense of direction. In the end we just decided to flag down a bus. Haha. Kevin bought a shirt, i feel so tempted to get one too, but i'm going broke. Still have to pay for my new specs. Damn.

Yawnz! Tomorrow will be a day in camp and sailing in the evening till Friday morning. Turn off! ood think Jaryl reminded me just now that Monday is Deepavali, that totally made my day. Bleah!

* 天空下着毛毛细雨。。。我在静静的想着,你还好吗?*
"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
12:09 AM

Tuesday, October 21, 2008.

Today, i woke up too early, took the bus too early, and reached camp too early. Damn. I'm still slapping myself for the miscalculation of time, i could have been able to sleep for 30mins more. Bah. Finally a break from the hectic sailings. Managed to get the Ship's Log signed, it's a monthly thing and it was since april that the last one was being signed. So yea, at least now i have one thing less to worry about.

My eyes were so tired after staring at the Ship's Log the entire morning. I slept the moment i boarded the bus. Well, nothing much happened today. Went IMM with Clement in the evening, had MOS, walked around aimlessly. A boring Tuesday evening.

I wana sleep soon.

* Your name.....i'll never forget. *
"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
10:15 PM


Man..i'm aching all over. Apart from the heartache that i'm having, all parts of my muscles are aching. Jaryl and I were late for the race yesterday, so didnt have much time to do the warm up. I didnt do enough stretching after the race too, bleah. So now i'm still full of lactic. It just feels so great to have completed the race. Though my timing was 2mins behind what i achieved for the trial run. bah.

O man o man....there is no sailing tomorrow. Finally a break from the busy schedule. And i'm glad i'm feeling slightly better now. heee. I just hope i can get use to this as soon as possible. =]

* 眼泪虽然还是流了下来,不过能与你相处过真的很幸福。=] *


"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
12:07 AM

Sunday, October 19, 2008.

I'm sorry, i really am. I know sorry doesnt cut if for you, but I really do not know what else i can do for you. I've screwed things up for you, i've ruined your life, your happiness. I'm really really sorry. I'm hating myself for all these, i promised to make you happy, but i never did. I'm just really glad that our path crossed.






* It's painful....really painful. I'm missing you so much.... *
"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
11:45 PM

Saturday, October 18, 2008.

Woke up at 930am today. Though i was tired, but i just couldnt go back to sleep anymore. Decided to go for a swim, the dark clouds were looming overhead, i still gave it a shot anyway. When i reached the pool the sun was back up, i didnt swam for too long, didnt wanna strain myself before tomorrow's run.

Went IMM to make a new pair of specs and met Fathin for lunch before going for band practice. I like my new pair of specs! haha, but i cant get it only till next week, so for now i just have to hang on to the broken one. Band practice today was ok? Mr Tan choked on his saliva again while singing the tune for us...me and fathin just couldnt stop laughing. Damn. After band was Hari Raya celebration at Fathin's place. Her mum made really good mee siam. Everyone of us had two servings. haha.

Kk...i'm gonna like go sleep soon, waking up at 5am tomorrow to make my way to Pasir Ris for the run. bleah.

"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
10:28 PM


Again i'm super tired! Had a really warm and sweaty morning, afternoon was sailing again. Got back only in the evening, i was like totally dead the moment i got a seat onboard the bus, someone had to woke me up at Boon Lay.

After that i rushed to meet Evlyn, Marcus, Jiawen, Shan Shan, Amy, Kenneth and Qinyi at Holland V to celebrate Qinyi's birthday. I thought i'd be late, but it turned out that i was the 1st to arrive. Meeting time was 830pm, and they reached only at 915pm. I was super late dinner, i was starving. Went to Essential Brew, it's really a nice place to chill. The place is just so serenating, not too crowded with people, quiet and peaceful. We felt bad singing the birthday song so loud. haha.

Its FRIDAY, so we wanted to just stay out late. Decided to go over to Chevrons for midnight KTV session, but the rooms were fully booked...in the end we just went Wala Wala to have a drink or two. I still hate the taste of alcohol....it sux. I think i'm just not made for it. COKE please.

"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
1:15 AM

Friday, October 17, 2008.

Another day of hectic sailing...closed up 8hrs without rest, except for a 15mins lunch. Lunch onboard was super-licious today, it's Carbonara. I'm just dead beat.

Dinner at some chinese restaurant. This relative of mine from Taiwan came over and so we had a huge family gathering of 20 odd people at the restaraunt. I feel so damn bloated now...though the food was really nice...i just cant stand nice food. I'll stuff them down my throat no matter wad, i can never miss them. haha, The best thing? I dun get fat! Bleah!

Tomorrow gonna be sailing again, good thing we gonna slip off only in the afternoon and going alongside Yard by 1530H? Which means i'll be able to get home earlier. O yea, and i need a new pair of specs, i broke mine today during the sailing. I dunnoe exactly how i did it, but it just snapped. Damn.

** 你让我微笑了。。。**
"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
12:04 AM

Thursday, October 16, 2008.

SHAGGED~ Was on duty the night before..had like 5hrs of sleep and i gotta sail this morning, came alongside only in the evening. My eyes totally blurred out. I really gotta get use to all these sailing, cause there are more to come.

Met up with Amelia and gang for K Box session at The Chevrons. Didn't enjoy myself as much? Cause i was just really tired, and bothered. It was fun though, like always. O, and i got Jay Chou's new album! Again, it's all worth it. It's like, the three person in the queue in front of me were all buying his album too, so the auntie cashier was like - 'Who the hell is this guy? how come everyone is getting his album? Did he acted in 881? Or is he dead?'. lol. Okie..i think i really need to get some rest, it's another day of sailing tomorrow. Bah.

** 放手真的那么难吗?**
"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
12:04 AM

Monday, October 13, 2008.

Woot~ today was really tiring? Sailed from Tuas Naval Base to Changi Naval Base. It's kinda stupid for me, because it's like me taking a bus to Changi and taking the train there back to Boon Lay. Yea. Good thing the trials ended early, estimated time of completion was 1730H, but we made a good timing of 1530H, 2hrs ahead of schedule. Cool. At least i got a 90mins rest during the sailing, i was really tired, totally snoozed off the moment i got onto the bed in my cabin.

Now, i just got back from 3km around the park. I haven't ran after that trial run, was feeling really lazy. haha. Yea, didnt wanna strain myself too much before the actual race this coming sunday, just wanna make sure i keep the momentum there.

Man...i gotta get to Changi Naval Base tomorrow, since ship is berthed there. Damn. It's gonna be early morning call again, and i just hate it. Most probably i'll just take the time on the train ride to snore away, am just afraid that i cant get a seat. Bleah. It's duty tomorrow as well, such spoiler.
"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
10:12 PM

Sunday, October 12, 2008.

I am damn freaking bored the whole of today. Woke up at 9am, that was pretty early given the fact tt i slept at 3am the night before. I've got nothing in mind, but i just didn't feel like sleeping in, i seldom sleep in. So i got off my bed and went online, replied some comments on Friendster and Facebook and just having random chats with ppl on MSN.

I wanted to go out, it's not that i had anywhere in mind that i wanna go, but i just wanted to go out. Rather, i needed to go out, i needed some air, i needed to get my mind off issues that's affecting me. Everyone else was just busy, it's really fustrating. It is no point that i go out alone, i'll just be having my own thoughts and be reminded of stuff that i am trying not to think of. I just needed someone to talk to me, someone to just chat me away from the bad side of thoughts. In the end i managed to get Bin Hao. Thanks to Bin Hao for accompanying me to catch House Bunny, i really wanted to watch that show. It's just bitchy, bimbotic and funnie. Those kind of brainless show that at this point of life, i really needed. I needed the laughs and the jokes, though i was already feeling so much better after the reassurance, i just needed them as 'add-ons'. Bleah.

** 能不能给我一首歌的时间.紧紧的把那拥抱变成永远。。。I came at the wrong time, wrong place. **
"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
10:50 PM


You gave me the happiness that i never had, but also gave me the sadness that hangs so heavily onto my heart. I'm happy for you, but i just cant help it but feel really sour. I'm trying really hard to not let the tears run free, it's painful.

I'm glad that i've met you, u changed my world, my life, my everything, but i regretted meeting you too. You caused the pain, the heartaches. I know this is not the end, and the fact that you're happy makes me happy. I know i've stepped over my limit, i've been too greedy, i'm asking for too much. I selfishly want you just for myself...it's hard on you.

I respect your decision. We'll just revert back to how we used to be, if that is how it should be. I wanna be who i've always been to you. I wanna you to to noe that i'm always there, just like how you noe he had always been dere. I used to say that i'll never let this happen, but it seems like i really couldnt help it. I wanna thank you, thank you for being part of my life. Please promise me that you'll be happy, and if i shall see another tear from you, i'm never gonna let go again. =]
"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
2:44 AM

Friday, October 10, 2008.

TIRED! I'm so tired! Mentally i am not, but my eyes are. I've been squinting my eyes the whole aftenoon looking at the Charts. Well, for those who dunnoe what Charts are..they are basically maps, maps of the sea in another words. Yea, we call them Charts. The whole exercise thingy ended like 530pm. My eyes were squirting tears by then. haha!

Went down to Novena Square to collect my number tag and timing chip for my New Balance run next week. I felt rather cheated, cause i was expecting to get the event t-shirt but in the end they said that it could only be collect after the race.

Dinner with the band peeps at Lot1. Aloy told me they were leaving school at 8pm, i knew they'd be late..so i took my time and arrived at 830pm. As i expected..they were still in school, i totally combed, sweeped, explored every corner of Lot1 before they finally arrived at 930pm. I almost fainted.

** You're sent from heaven to make my life interesting and worth living. You're sent from heaven to make me feel blessed. =] **
"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
11:09 PM

Thursday, October 09, 2008.

i'm so tired...i'm really tired. Been a long day today, i even fell asleep while playing PSP. Damn. Hmmm..really dun feel like talking about anything today. I upset someone today because of my dumb and rash act. I feel like such a shit brain. Bleah...

Tomorrow is pay day, yay. This will liberate me from the third world life that i'm leading now.
"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
9:41 PM

Wednesday, October 08, 2008.

Today is a slack day! haha! In the army terms, it will be known as a 'TUANG' day. Lol. My entire department totally escaped to the canteen in the morning and stayed there till noon before attending some briefing. The briefing ended around 3pm, and it was tea break at the canteen again. =P Was briefed on the upcoming events for the ship and i can tell that time really gonna pass by really fast. Before i know it, it's gonna be the end of the year. Once come 2009, i'll be on full engines ahead, charging towards my ORD date. haha! I'm kinda just warming up my engines now. [ORD MOOD - mild]

"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
9:44 PM

Tuesday, October 07, 2008.

O man...i'm feeling so fustrated now. My connection totally sucks. I hate it when i wanna get something up, but my connection just keep playing on me. Damn!

Yesterday's duty was ok, good thing fire drill was cancelled due to some ship movement. I wasn't as shagged as last week cause i managed to get myself into the 1st detail, and thx to Jere who kept me company the whole night, though he slept on me. bah.

Today was a really fast day, cause so many things were happening onboard ship. I was kept busy the whole day and time just seemed to fly. Gave Chanz tuition in the evening, his parents insisted that i eat the Bee Hoon and 五香 that they bought back. I wasn't really hungry as i've already stuffed myself with some finger food before getting to the house. Being polite, i tried to finished them up, but i felt so bloated, suffocated and nearly turned blue. haha. In the end i had to just surrender and tell them that i really cant finish that much of food. bleahh.

Okie, i've finally got the pictures from Aloy's birthday celebration and my New balance trial run up. =D

** Happy Birthday to Aloysius **

** Jiemin really isn't a vulgar person **

** yup, Ugly Betty was invited **

** And if you think Ugly betty isn't ugly enough...how bout this? **

** Ruoning, benji, Me, and Aiman **

** This is the only pic we took while on our way to the trial run **

"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
11:03 PM

Sunday, October 05, 2008.

I TOTALLY ENJOYED MY WEEKEND! woohoo! Yesterday was Aloy's birthday, and we surprised him at his house. haha. Entered his house quietly and hid in his room while he was bathing and scared the shit out of him when he opened the door. Yup yup, he was sooo taken aback, like the shock of his life. To see 15 people hiding in your room definitely is a surprise. LOL. We had birthday cakes and lotsa pizzas. I'll let the pictures do the talking! =D

After that was even more exciting. haha. I went to meet up with jaryl and Vincent for our overnight stay at Changi Airport. haha! We needed to get to our trial run for the New Balance REAL run by 630am, so decided to just spent our night at the airport. Got ourselves a cozy spot over at Terminal 2 Viewing Mall and snored our night away. We got like 4 hours of sleep, and were quite worried that we weren't in the condition to run 15km. It turned out that we still managed to pull it off with a decent timing. I completed it with a 1hr 28mins, and jaryl was 3mins before me. haha.

After the run i met up with Jere at Simei. Just treating him to the Starbucks that i promised him. haha. man..i just love this kid. haha! So damn funnie, just makes me laugh and laugh. haha!

**Blogspot is kinda screwed up now, i cant get my pictures up. Will update ASAP**
"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
10:59 PM

Friday, October 03, 2008.

Meeting the right person at the right time will just make a whole lot of difference in one's life. I'm glad that i met this person. You make my day really wonderful and i feel so blessed to have known you. You make me believe in fate. We used to be just strangers who probably rubbed shoulders over at Orchard Road, but now, it just seems like we've known each other for decades. Your magical ability to make my heart smile is just truly....magical. My life kinda changed with you around, everything around me just seemed to be more illustrated. I'm really glad that u're here. =D

**the above paragraph is dedicated to my little friend who really made my day**

Today was really torturous for me. I was so tired, my eyes could barely open. I was a total zombie. The ship's cabins were in a total mess after coming out from the yard, so basically i couldn't get a comfortable place to sleep, or i should say, i couldn't find any place to sleep. I had to slap myself to keep myself awake even when walking. haha. Luckily it's the weekend.

Went Chevrons for KTV session with Amelia and Jinyan in the evening. Finally i get to sing some of the new released songs. hahah! And now i'm having a sore throat, the lemon honey just didn't help much at all.

"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
11:07 PM

Thursday, October 02, 2008.

Man...my connection is getting on me again. I just realised today that i'm really bad at consoling people. I don't know why, i can always lend my ears to anyone who wishes to share their problems, but i just cant think of a good solution to their problems. That really makes me feel bad. haha.

This evening had tuition with Chanz. O man, time flies, tomorrow is his first PSLE paper. I'm so worried for him, but somehow, i feel that he might just be able to pull it off. Not only pull it off, but pull it off with a good one. Let's just hope i'll be right. I've got like 3 more lessons with him before this tuition thing comes to an end. It's really fast, i started out in May, and now it's been 6months. haha.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow. It's another KTV session at The Chevrons! hahaha. I cant wait to sing my throat dry. LOL. And apparently, Amelia is just having this infatuation about me wearing pink. -___-
"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
11:29 PM

Wednesday, October 01, 2008.

I just hate to say it, but i kinda wasted my public holiday doing nothing interesting. Woke up early in the morning, intending to go for a swim, but the weather was so cold, and i felt pretty lazy. I didnt made it to the pool in the end. haha. It was tuition with Chanz in the afternoon, and after that i just headed home because everyone else were busy with their various concerns.

Rotted in front of the computer for the rest of the day doing nothing, just random chats on the msn and finishing up my 《篮球火》episode 9. It was only until evening that i met up with Kevin for dinner at IMM. I didnt really set a budget for the meal, but we somehow ended up in Fish and Co. LOl.

I'm feeling really tired, haven't really covered back the sleep i lost during my night duty the other day. I stayed up till quite late over the phone yesterday night too. ha. The cold night weather just makes me really feel like cuddling up in bed with my blankets. haha. =]
"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
10:53 PM