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Tuesday, September 30, 2008.

I'm totally shagged. Was on overnight duty the day before, and thought i could have a good rest today. I was just pure unlucky, the person who was supposed to take over me reported sick, so i had to close up for him too. DAMN! My packet of bee hoon, which was supposed to be my breakfast, became my lunch. Worst of all, the bottle of green tea i put in the fridge onboard got stolen by some assholes.

It was just a bad day. After i was allowed to go, the shutter bus came 40mins late, making me rushed like mad for Chanz's tuition. I think i just have no luck with buses today. After tuition, i waited 30mins for 179, two of them came at the same time, but both were packed. I was just small enough to squeeze onboard. Luckily tomorrow is a public holiday, so at least i had something to look forward to.

Wanted to go for a run, but the unfavourable weather condition spoiled my plan. I'll have to go swimming tomorrow. I just realised that this coming Sunday is the trial run for the New Balance REAL RUN. Gosh, i'm so excited. =D
"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
11:03 PM

Sunday, September 28, 2008.

Can i just stay on this day forever? My heart sinks the moment i think of tomorrow. It''s gonna be my 1st ever guard duty in base since the yard phase, and i'm feeling really lazy. Really, seems like i'm still trying to get use to the base routine, trying to put myself back on track after 5months of slacking. haha! I hate duty in base, it's mentally and physically tiring. not only do we need to go for hourly rounds, we still have to attend fire drill sessions which require us to fight a 'fire' just like a real time situation.

In yard, i dun really hate duties even if it's on a weekend, because it's basically 《篮球火》all the way. I cant do that back in base. Damn. And sleeping onboard is definitely not as comfortable as sleeping in the office. haha! I shouldn't think too much of it, ORD is my motivation. Serve and F*** off is my motto.

**Bye to jiapeng who is ORD-ing on the 30th Sept, lucky bastard.**
"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
10:23 PM

Saturday, September 27, 2008.

HAHA! I'm like having only 1 track on my Ipod. I've set 《稻香》 on repeat mode. I'm playing it over and over again on my Itunes now. hahah! It's just such a nice song, catchy tune that keeps running in my mind and really meaningful lyrics. Jay Chou never fails to impress. =]

Finally went for a swim today. The weather was great, bright and sunny! After that was band practice. Today's attendance wasn't really good due to it being the exam period. We did a few boring pieces and called it a day. haha! Met up with Clement after that to go experience the F1 spirit over at Marina. Yup, we do not have the tickets, but there are always places for cheap thrills. Stood outside Millenia Walk, quite a good spot, it's right beside the track, so we could really see it up closed. The engines were loud. =]

i'm tired. sleep.

"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
11:49 PM

Friday, September 26, 2008.

兴奋极了!好期待周杰伦的新专辑 《魔杰座》的发行!今天在网络上找到了他新专辑内的第一主打《稻香》。好有意思的歌词。歌词中就有这一段:


为什么人要这么的脆弱 堕落

珍惜一切 就算没有拥有


不要这么容易就想放弃 就像我说的
追不到的梦想 换个梦不就得了
为自己的人生鲜艳上色 先把爱涂上喜欢的颜色
笑一个吧 功成名就不是目的

"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
11:29 PM

Thursday, September 25, 2008.

Paintball today was FUN! haha. Thanks to the protective gears, if not i think i would have been rather severely injured. LOL. And thanks to my relatively small surface area, i escaped those bruising. haha! Though the ultimate aim of the game was to shoot down three water bottles at the opponent's side, and try to get the flag over, none of us was on the task. All that was in our mind was to aim at those people instead of the bottles. It was just more fun hearing them screamed in pain and turning them green then watching the bottles topple. haha. To get hit by the pellets were no fun, especially at parts not covered up by the gears (mouth, legs, ass...) it causes instant blue-black with that burning sensation, well it's 'PAIN-ball' afterall.

O, and yup, it was back at Amoy Quee camp where we had our paintball fight. The whole place just seemed so familiar, because that was where i had my Band NCO Parade in year 2003. All the memories just came flooding back into my mind. The canteen where we had the nice porridge with the super crispy 'you-tiao' and the hall that the 300 members strong band blasted our music, and also the parade square where the final Passing-Out-Parade was held. Nothing has changed. =]
Tomorrow will be another good day before the weekends. It's Fleet Athletic Meet, reporting time, 1230pm at Changi Naval Base. Haha! I'm happy cause that means i can sleep till later, but i would have been happier if i stayed in the east. LOL!
"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
10:49 PM

Wednesday, September 24, 2008.

Did a 6km around the park today. Nice weather. I'm not sure why, everytime after my run, i'll have the craving for KFC's Popcorm Chicken. I think it's probably the best food they could offer. I just cant stop popin' it. So much for trying to keep fit and healthy. haha. I'm just so excited, having a string of marathons coming up. Gonna be going for the New Balance cross terrain REAL RUN 2008 in October, the Swissotel VERTICAL MARATHON 2008 in November and the ultimate STANDARD CHARTERED MARATHON in December. It's basically a marathon every month. haha! Not so sure why, i used to hate running, maybe i was just being lazy. Once you snapped out of it, you just wanna have more. haha!

Looking forward to tomorrow. It's gonna be an exciting session of Paintball fight at Amoy Quee Camp with the rest of RSS Vigilance crew. I'm just feeling damn reluctant to sacrify my NCR (Naval Combat Rig). That stupid Jiapeng, who is ORDing in 7days time, cheated my feeling. Said he could gave me his 'purpled' NCR so that i can dispose of it after the paintball session tomorrow, in the end instead of meeting me to pass me the set, he went basketballing. So it turned out that i still have to use my precious new set of NCR. Friday gonna be Fleet's Athletic meet, so this week is rather relax. Have yet to pass Amy her birthday present. She's down with a fever. haha. Get well soon Amy. =]
"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
11:36 PM

Tuesday, September 23, 2008.

At last, the fun has ended, the moments of enjoyment had all became a distant memory. Ship is officially back in base. The slow paced life is slowly picking up speed. No more waking up at 730am, and going home at 1030am. I'm so totally gonna miss the luxury, but there is nothing i can do. In the army terms, i have to 'suck thumb'. Well, at least i do enjoy the privilege of ORDing unlike the regulars. Lol. That is the ultimate source of motivation for me, with just 5 more months ahead, i'm really looking forward to the freedom.

Time really flies. Cant believed that i've already served the nation for 1.5 years. Of all, i think the best part of it was my Tekong days. Clueless recruits that only had 4 words in their vocab list, 'Yes', 'No', 'Sir' and 'Sergeant'. It was just the pure fun of watching lizards slurping up flies as if it's 'Discovery Channel LIVE'. Spending all the free time polishing boots as if it's the best PSP Game on earth. Well, if they do have such a game, i think it will sell pretty well on that Tekong island. O, and also coming up with all the best tactics to get to the shower cubicle first. It was counting down to our first book-out day, then subsequently it became a count down to POP. We yearned so much to pass out from that little resort, but missed our platoon mates and all the fun, so much so that we all hoped we could just stay there for the entire service term.

Now it is counting down to ORD. =]
"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
9:56 PM

Monday, September 22, 2008.

It was a mad rush today. Reached yard at 730am and had to clear up my lockers, bringing all my stuff back onboard ship. Time was tight cause ship will leave yard at 830am, and i still had to prepare the navigation department for sea. Thinking of it just makes my heart race. lol. It was good news after that. Our engines encountered some defects so leaving the yard was impossible and we had to postpone it till tomorrow.

Tuition with Chanz in the evening. Nothing much, the usual models, ratio and percentage. Went for a 3km around the park after that. I'm feeling really lazy today, so completing a 3km was quite an achievement. Lol.

Nothing much today, hell is on it's way unless somehow, somethings happen to cause our yard phase to extend. I'm just praying very hard. haha. Gonna rest early today, guess it's gonna be another mad rush tomorrow.
"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
10:53 PM

Sunday, September 21, 2008.

I so wanted to slap myself today! Just got back my phone from the service centre yesterday and i set the time wrongly, so though i set my alram at 9am this morning it didnt went off at 9am cause the time on my phone was set to GMT time...which is 8hours behind local time. DAMN! Was supposed to give Chanz tuition at 10am, but i woke up at 1050am. In the end i had to postpone it to 1130am, and because of that my plan to swim after tuition was ruined and i had to push back my meeting time with Guang Liang and Laikiu. I still feel like slapping myself for wasting half of my morning.*slaps*

Met up with Guang Liang and Laikiu to go Vivo. Guang Liang drove, so i saved quite a bit on transportation today. =D We made a wrong decision of watching 'MIRRORS'. haha. I haven't watched horror show for quite some time, since i was J2? So basically i've lost all my immunity to the 'scare spell'. I found myself grabbing on my Crumpler and squinting my eyes. LOL! At least i was better then Laikiu who paid $8 for a 2hours palm reading session in the theatre. Fathin said '4BIA' is scarier then 'MIRRORS', i'm just glad we didn't choose to watch '4BIA', i might actually die of heart attack. haha.
"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
11:00 PM


萧亚轩的音乐会,赞! Was at MAX Pavilion for Elva's concert, not really a concert actually, rather a Showcase. It was my first ever time at the MAX Pavilion, and my first ever time attending a 'singing concert', all the concerts that i've attended are band concerts. Lol. Got the pair of tickets for free when i bought a new Sony Ericsson non-camera phone at $66. Wanted to give it away initially, but decided to just get someone to go along with me since i've never experienced such an event before. Clement was a newbie to this too, so we went together. Went there and realised that there were a lot of people who were clearly not a fan of Elva, but were there because they had the tickets for free and didn't wanna waste it. Even old grannies were there as if watching a 'getai' show. I'm glad i went, cause Elva is really much prettier in person. haha.

Band practice today was carzy. I couldn't stop laughing when Mr Tan was singing the tune for us while we played, and he choked on his saliver. JOKE! Tried out a few new pieces today but couldn't really complete them due to our instrumentation. We're seriously lacking the woodwinds and trombones. I'm just so glad they all liked my design for our section t-shirt, got the cash coming in and i can get it ordered soon! YAY!

** The MAX Pavilion **
** Some lucky bastards that got up closed and personal.lol **** And the not-so-lucky bastard just took pictures with her posters **

"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
1:01 AM

Wednesday, September 17, 2008.

Sweated like dog again today. We had to pump up the sea boat under the blazing sun. What's worst was the fact that our ship shifted right to the end of the yard. Water onboard was not fit for drinking, and the canteen is just so damn far away. I nearly died while walking to the canteen to get a drink. The green tea was refreshing, it felt like heaven when the ice cold liquid caresses your dried lips as it flows gently down your throat. One cant help but to let out the 'ahhhhhhhh~' sound. Lol!

Today is the longest day i had in yard. The radar encountered some defects and i had to stay and get it fixed. Left yard at 430pm! Freaking late. Got a message that my phone is ready for collection, but i couldn't make it in time to the service centre. Went home for a bath and met Amy for dinner. We had 煮炒, cause she was craving for sweet 'n' sour pork. LOL. Pop 'N' Music(ed) after that. I WON THE FIRST ROUND! haha. It's the first time i own her!

Damn, am having duty tomorrow. Gonna be another crazy night of 《篮球火》. =D
"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
11:59 PM


Was at CMPB this morning for some medical check-up. Took around 1 hour and it was home after that. Finally got a sample of my horn section T-shirt printed at Jurong point. It was really a wasted trip to Queensway the other day. All the shops either told me that my design could not be done, or it's too expensive to just print 4 pieces, some shops even quoted me $45 per piece. Crazy. In the end i decided to just go to the shop at Jurong point to try my luck, and they told me it could be done with just $16 per piece, dry-fit tee, and rather good quality printing. Was supposed to meet Jiapeng for lunch at jurong point, but i forgot to on my phone. Was wondering how come he had not called me after so long, so i took out my phone and realised it was off. Damn. By the time i called him, he was on his way home liao. LOL!

Tuition with Chanz in the evening. He is getting a lil too playful, couldn't sit still. I was really fustrated when i had to explain to him again and again and he couldn't understand because he simply wasn't playing attention. Until i raised my voice for him to sit down. Dinner with my parents after that. Had crabs and claypot fish.

Tomorrow's gonna be Engagement Trial, first ever sailing since ship went into yard. BORING, and this also means that yard phase gonna end soon. I hope they don't pass the trial. =D
"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
11:59 PM

Tuesday, September 16, 2008.

Back at base this morning to do some rope works. Sweated like dog. All was done by afternoon, and i was allowed to go home. Too bad i made the wrong choice of waiting for Ying hui, by the time he was done with his stuff, it was 3.30pm. I ended up waiting for Jiapeng too, since i was already that late. Went Jurong Point with Jiapeng to retun some rented DVDs. Jiapeng is now fan of Umizaru too after i got him to watch the movie. Along the way we saw this girl that walked really like, weird. She 'Cat-walked' all the way from Jurong Point to the bus Interchange, but she doesn't really look like a model, perhaps it suites her better if she, hmmmm, crawl on all fours? Her self-confidence is admirable though. Lol. Jones ORD(ed), Jiapeng is doing his clearance preparing to ORD too. I'm envious, but to think that my days will soon be here in a few months time just make me smile to myself. haha.

6km around the park today. Tuition with Chanz before that. Yup, and i got my phone to the service centre. They gonna replace that flap, collection is next week. My current non-camera phone is seriously not working. I can have no reception even at home, on the bus, and in base. It's really fustrating especially when you need to make an urgent call. I really can't stand it, worst still, now i have to depend on it for the whole week since my other phone is with the service centre. So as i was alking just now, something caught my attention. This Sony Ericsson non-camera phone selling at $66, on top of that i get a pair of free tickets to 萧亚轩音乐会 this coming Saturday. I've yet to find someone to go with me, haha, so if you're a fan of her, please let me know ba. I'm not really into her, but since the tickets are free, and i've never really attended a 音乐会 before, i shall just give myself some exposure.
"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
11:10 PM

Monday, September 15, 2008.

I feel so bloated! Went to Timbre @ The Substation for my department dinner, it was pizzas after pizzas. We had a total of 9 pizzas! On top of that we had fried wings, calamaris, and sausages. The food is good though, and the ambience is nice. The only thing bad about it was the location. Me and Jones took, hmmm, 45mins to find our way there. LOL! Both of us pratically had no sense of direction, it was basically the blind leading the blind and we turned out to be worst then the blinds. haha. The dinner was on NO and AO Jon, that made the food tasted even nicer. haha! The bill, a stunning $429.90. Good thing i was the free loader. =X

I had the shock of my life this afternoon. My phone broke into two. It was something that i'm always afraid will happen, but never thought that it would happen. So my worst nightmare came through. Good thing the phone still works fine even without that stupid plastic flap, just that i couldn't lock my keypad. Gonna get down to the service centre and get it replace with a new one tomorrow. I bought a Sony Ericsson's cause i thought it was more duarable, but now things turned out just the opposite way. lol. Forget it, anyway i won't be getting a new phone anytime soon, will only change after i ORD. =D

I'm so tired the whole of today, didn't sleep well yesterday. Dad got a bad toothache, woke me up at 3am to get me to accompany him to the dentist. There were no more clinics that was operational, all of them closed at 12 midnight, so decided to get to Alexandra Hospital. Got a jab, and had to wait for an hour before we were allowed to leave. Watched Project Runway on the TV there. haha. By the time i reached home, it was 5am, that's why i allowed myself to sleep till 12pm today. haha!
"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
10:08 PM

Sunday, September 14, 2008.

Aha! Woke up early today to give Chanz tuition. I was really tired, slept rather late last night. After tuition was lunch at Jurong Point with Yaolun, shopped around before heading down to Jurong East to meet Jinyan. Watched Babylon A.D. with Jinyan at Vivo. I didn't noe what the show was all about, just happened to saw the trailer and thought it was nice. Well, it was nice, as in the effects and the loads of action. The main problem was, i just couldn't get the story, i couldn't understand it at all. It's complicated, watching it was like reading GP comphre. lol. Jinyan brought me to CHOCOLAT FACTORY after that, damn him, i got so tempted to buy the chocolates, and i bought it. $16 for a boiling tube size of beanbits & cocoa. (yup, that's the picture of it above.)

It was home after that, and i headed for my regular jog at the park. Was rushing to meet Clement at Jurong Point for some light supper, so i only did a 3km. haha. I'm on off tomorrow, gonna try to get up early and go for a swim, so i guess i should turn in soon. =D

"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
11:33 PM

Saturday, September 13, 2008.

好累啊!可是就是不想睡觉。昨天 Duty 又看了 UMIZARU。是一部改编于日本漫画的电影。故事讲述一位年轻潜水员因为想拥有站在最前线的经验,而加入了日本海上保安厅,成为一名负责在海上拯救,和搜寻的潜水员。不久后才发现原来能够站在前线,也就等于需要搭起重重的责任,一点也没想像中的好玩。不过因为在训练过程中惨痛失去了同伴,他了解到生命的真正意义,也了解到站在前线位置所得负起的重任。总而言之,就是一部非看不可的影片。

下午约了Amy 一起午餐,之后就去乐队练习了。晚餐又是在 Thai Express 度过!LOL!本来和 Ping Xin 讲好去 Spageddies 的,不过令时因为 Shan Shan 的要求所以改成了 Thai Express。我还蛮高兴的,又能够享受到我最爱的 Tom Yam Hor Fun。=D


** We wonder what are the workers in this cinema up to **

** So.....what is it? **

** The guy who designed this cover sure gonna get screwed **

** That explains why they couldn't afford the electricity bills **

** After the many gold medals in the olympic, china came out wth this highly questionable form of diving. **

"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
11:47 PM

Thursday, September 11, 2008.

Did a 3km around the park today. Tomorrow gonna be on duty, so not gonna tire myself. Unexpectedly, i didn't sweat much this morning while in base, because the crane did most of the job. haha. Oh, and i found today's Newpaper in my base toilet, so took it to read. Headline was 'When Boy Boy wants to become Girl Girl', some article about MOE training up school councellors to indentify young kids who have issues regarding their sexual identity. lol.

Back at home in the afternoon, wanted to give that fat bunny a pat, didn't know that he was sleeping and i unintentionally gaved him a scare. lol. Pop 'n' Music(ed) with Amy in the evening at the JEC arcade after my short afternoon nap. I seemed to have improved a little. haha. Dinner at Burger King, yup, i noe i had it for lunch yesterday, but the new BK Chicken with turkey bacon is nice. =P

明天又有 Duty 了。看完了《命中》,现在正在追看《篮球火》。虽然还是觉得《命中》比较好看,不过我也没有别的选择啦。很期待罗志祥的新歌 Cause I Believe,在《篮球火》一直听到副歌的部分,完整版的歌曲会输入在 Show 的新专辑。专辑发行日还是未知。

** My big fat Bun Bun **

"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
11:49 PM

Wednesday, September 10, 2008.

A tiring day back at base this morning, had to run around searching for some missing items. Department lunch in the afternoon at Burger King, it was home after that, and finally, today marks the end of my poverty stricken life,
it's PAY DAY.

Met up with Amy for dinner at Jurong Point and also to pass her back her ipod. i was feeling real tired, almost fell asleep at the bus stop. =X Walked around Jurong Point for awhile before heading for tuition. I was really worried that i would doze off during the lesson, but luckily, i didn't, because i did once and Chanz laughed at me. Damn. Just got back from a 6km around the park. I'm not sure why, perhaps it's the breezy weather tonight, i seemed to be able to keep my pace more comfortably. Time to go for longer distance, 6km is insufficient for my upcoming 42km, and i've yet to try out at Chinese Garden.

Tomorrow is gonna be rather tiring again. It's the big shifting day, gonna be moving all the stuff from stores and yard office back onboard the ship. Sweat is unavoidable.

** 肚子痛,要去大便 **
"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
11:35 PM

Tuesday, September 09, 2008.

ok...after my first non-chinese blog post, i really dun feel like blogging in chinese anymore. LOL! maybe i will if i'm not so tired. =]

Went back to Hong Kah Band today with Fathin, Yasrina, and Menglui. It was just another bad encounter with the unfriendly new condutor. He is rude. The first time i went back since he took over was two months back. Back then, i remembered so clearly i told him i'm an ex-member when he looked at me with that pair of suspicious eyes. it was however still not clear to him who i was that he needed to ask his band major again regarding my identity, and when he was told that i'm a genuine ex-member, he went 'Oh, how come i've never seen him before'. (NOOB SH*T, you've only taken over for not more then a year!!!)

As if that wasn't enough. the same episode repeated itself today. We went in to the band room, this conductor was sitting there, saw us and turned away. We immediately felt awkward about saying hi to him...so we stood there, and i made an attempt to wave but he just refused to acknowledge. Not knowing what else to do, we just stood by the side to observe the band. A few minutes later he had to stop the band and called out the band major. What he told the band major was, i feel, rather offensive and utterly rude. He told her, 'Can you help me find out who are those people over there?'. So does he not have a mouth or does he think he is too high up a fug to speak to us? C'mon, we ex-members are the ones seeing the band grew in strength and standard, clinched the 1st ever silver. I'm not saying that we are godly, but i guess as alumni, we deserve some form of respect. And getting a third person to speak to us, taking us like some unwanted, disruptive strangers definitely aren't something that you can find under the meaning of 'RESPECT'.

Now i swear i'll never step into the band room, at least not when he is around.

** 很多时候,当你很想得到一样东西时,就偏偏得不到。可是,只要你一放手,那东西就会很自然的随着时间出现在你面前。不过,到时却发现了,在放手的那一瞬间,在试这忘记的那一瞬间,你已经渐渐的不需要它了。。。**
"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
9:43 PM

Monday, September 08, 2008.

Alright, I'm too sick to blog in chinese....it's mentally and visually tiring. Need to be thinking of what word to use, and squint my eyes to pick out the right character from the 'han yu pin yin' list, and I've quite alot to write today. This is also one of the post that is made 'readable' for my non-chinese friends, and well, some non-chinese reading friends. lol. Currently down with a flu. The updating of Ship's Log is seriously getting on me. It's just a stupid blue book that needs to be updated with the daily occurence onboard the ship, and I've just taken like hours to finish up the one for the month of August. Now i'm 8 days behind for the month of September. This just goes on and on and is never ending...not till I ORD. sighs.

Wanted to go for a jog at the Chinese Garden this morning, it seemed a nice place with better air quality compared to that park next to some industrial site, but I overslept. Woke up about noon and remembered that I was supposed to be meeting kenneth for lunch, so I made a delay. Met him around 130pm for lunch at Bugis cause he needed to get some refund from the Watsons in Bugis Junction, he was somewhat overcharged. The cashier told us to hang around while she process the refund, so we went walking around Watsons, an hour passed and there seemed to be no sign of kenneth getting his refund. So we went to check and apparently, the cashier forgot all about it. No apologies, she just went 'oops' and started doing the refund which was done in a mere 30seconds. And i was overcharged for my M&Ms too, the price was stated as $1.30, but the digital figures '$1.60' appeared on the small screen when the barcode was scanned. I hate such marketing tactics, but couldn't care less then just pay what was demanded of me, unless it is a huge difference in price. Oh, and that pack of M&Ms and Lunch at Long John explained my bad flu. I know I gotta stop eating all these for awhile, but the more I tried not to think of them, the more I craved for them..LOL. Now I'm craving for Mooncakes. haha.

Tuition with Chanz tonight was as usual, just really worried about his coming PSLE. No matter how many questions he practised he just couldn't apply them on other similar questions. That is really fustrating, having to go through with him again and again. I didnt show my fustration, but gave him a bit of a lecture on taking the initiative to revise on his own. Boys are just playful by nature, I was far worst then him actually, I used to not even do the homeworks given by my tuition teacher. Haha.

Gotta get back to work tomorrow after 4 days of off. I'm getting abit of the blues, but since ship is still in yard, and life is good, I shouldn't be lamenting too much. Yard phase will be ending soon and the recon training after that sure gonna turn my world upside down. bah.
"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
10:17 PM

Sunday, September 07, 2008.

今天一大早就去给 Chanz 补习了。应该是前几天出海时吃了太多 Kinder Bueno 的关系吧,今天早上起来好像有点失声了,差点就不能去补习了,幸好喝了点水后又没问题了。Haha。之后又去游泳了,天气还不错。好久好久没到泳池去了,所以感觉超爽的。

下午去了乐队练习。今天的练习算还好吧,只是乐队人数真的太少了,所以能练的曲子也就变得有限了。也不知道该怎么做才能吸引更多的成员。不过看得出来大家都很努力的想把这个乐队搞好。=D 过后 Amy,Fathin,和我一起去了 City Hall。肚子是饿扁了,不过因为 Fathin 正在 fasting,所以就得等到七点后才能吃晚餐。=] 我们到了 POPEYES!说我奇怪也好,声音都快没了还不停的吃油炸的食物。就是没办法控制啊,太诱惑人心了。LOL!现在的我,好像有点喉咙痛了。=X 就是太不健康了,所以刚才回到家后就决定去练跑,也算是为我的 Standard Chartered Marathon 做准备吧。跑了之后是感到蛮清爽的,不过现在就开始感觉有点累了。Haha

Oh ya, before I turn in for the night, let me just wish Alicia, Benji, Aloy, Xinmin, Jiemin, GuanRi, as well as all other J2s best of luck for tomorrow's PRELIMS. Work hard guys! How I wish I could be mugging like you guys, DAMN! がんばってください!=D
"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
11:26 PM

Saturday, September 06, 2008.

Jaryl Alvin 一起出去了。终于又到了 Thai Express 吃了我最爱的 Tom Yam Hor Fun! 满足!LOL!之前还去了世界美食展,真的有好多好多好吃的食物。不过我们都没买,只是到处去品尝。=X 就也没做了什么,只是在 Thai Express 呆了还蛮久的。就一直在聊天阿,聊着以前在 Tekong 的一些趣事,还有期待着 ORD 后想做的很多很多事。=D

说起来啊,时间还真是过得很快。似乎几天前才踏入了 Pulau Tekong,成为了一个光头 Recruit。在一转眼间,一个半年也就过了。和这一群男生们从不认识到一起洗澡,一起撑过艰难的时刻,结下的友情也算是一种缘分吧。=]

"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
11:11 PM


ただいま! 我回来了!在海上漂浮了三天两夜还真是把我给累坏了。因为第一天起了大浪,弄得我有点晕船,所以之后都没什么胃口了。三天里靠的只是 Kinder Bueno 来填饱肚子。LOL!不过呢,这次出海却有了意外的收获,就是在南中国海看见了海豚!起初看见灰色的海豚从水中跳了出来时还以为是眼睛在作祟,直到又看见了另一只从水中跳了出来才发现原来是一群海豚在随着我们的船只游泳。真是难得一见!=D


"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
12:03 AM

Tuesday, September 02, 2008.

啊!今天怎么过得那么快?!我还真希望时间可以慢点过去。。。因为明天要出海了,所以还想玩多一会儿。今天终于和 Jaryl 会面了,真的是好久好久没看到他了。还记得以前在 Tekong 时,我们可是一群死党!好怀念啊!和 Jaryl 到了乌节路去逛街,吃晚餐,看戏。看了喜剧片 Forgetting Sarah Marshall,影片开始前我和 Jaryl 都差点睡着了。。。真的太累了。不过影片一开始就精神了,因为都蛮好笑的。

嗨哟。。。明天真的要出海了。。。直到星期五才回来。我一点都不期待明天的到来。不过我也没办法啊,只好咬紧牙关的去把事情做好吧。听到身在美国的 SamMSN 给的鼓励还真是松懈了我的心情。因为出海时压力真的蛮大的,所以每一次我都会感到十分的焦虑。


"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
10:50 PM